Xojo code that adds JSONPath support to the built-in JSONItem class. This extension follows RFC 9535 standards (albeit incompletely) and lets you query JSON data using simple path expressions.

What you can do:
Query JSON objects using standard JSONPath syntax
Get single values or entire objects
Use array indexing and slicing
Access nested properties
Handle errors with custom exception handling
Example 1: Basic Property Access
Var json As New JSONItem json.Load("{""name"":""John"",""age"":30}") ' Get a simple value Var name As Variant = json.Query("$.name") ' Result: John |
Example 2: Array Operations
Var json As New JSONItem json.Load("{""items"":[1,2,3,4,5]}") ' Get first three items Var firstThree As JSONItem = json.Query("$.items[0:3]") ' Result: [1,2,3] ' Get last two items Var lastTwo As JSONItem = json.Query("$.items[-2:]") ' Result: [4,5] ' Get third item as Integer Var third As Integer = json.Query("$.items[2]").IntegerValue ' Result: 3 ' Get items in reverse order Var reversed As JSONItem = json.Query("$.items[::-1]") ' Result: [5,4,3,2,1] ' Get every second item in reverse order Var reverseSkip As JSONItem = json.Query("$.items[::-2]") ' Result: [5,3,1] |
Example 3: Nested Objects
Var json As New JSONItem json.Load("{""store"":{""books"":[{""title"":""Book 1"",""price"":10},{""title"":""Book 2"",""price"":20}]}}") ' Get the first book's title Var title As Variant = json.Query("$.store.books[0].title") ' Result: Book 1 ' Get first two books Var books As JSONItem = json.Query("$.store.books[0:2]") ' Result: [{"title":"Book 1","price":10},{"title":"Book 2","price":20}] |
License: MIT License - Free to use in personal and commercial projects. A credit would be nice but is not required. I am releasing this as open-source to the Xojo community.
Update History
Version 1.0.0 - Initial Release