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WaitPanel for Xojo

Xojo container that displays an animated panel with a message to indicate to your user that there is an ongoing operation. Has an optional button, customizable colors, auto-scaling fonts, optional border and a few other goodies. One of the benefits of this panel is that it will continue animating even while your main thread is busy.

Sample Project that lets you play around with some of the properties.
Sample Project that lets you play around with some of the properties.


  • AccentColor Sets the accent color of the WaitPanel. The other colors will be determined by dark/light mode.

  • AnimationSlowness This is basically an inverse "Speed" setting. How many seconds it takes for the background to rotate one time. Default is 60.

  • AutoScaleText Scales the text to fill the viewport automatically, breaking it into lines if necessary. If AutoScaleText is false, <br> tags in your text will be used for manual line breaks. Button and border sizes are also taken into account when auto-scaling the text.

  • BorderWidth Allows you to set the thickness of the border.

  • ButtonText Sets the text of the button

  • DarkMode If true, forces dark mode even on a light-mode system. If false, forces light mode even on a dark-mode system. Go back to auto-detection by calling the ResetAutoDarkMode method.

  • DisplayBorder If true, draws the border.

  • FontSize Sets the font size when AutoScaleText is false. Defaults to 24pt.

  • IsVisible Use this instead of Xojo's Visible property. Allows you to conceal other controls underneath the WaitPanel. Make sure it's the frontmost control in the Xojo IDE to ensure the Z-Order is correct.

  • Text Sets the text of the WaitPanel. You can include <br> tags to force a line break, but these will be ignored if AutoScaleText is enabled as it needs to handle its own line breaks.

    Sample 1
    Sample 1
    Sample 2
    Sample 2
    Sample 3
    Sample 3

Update History

Version 1.0.0 - Initial Release


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